愿景 : 让欧芯走向世界、让世界了解欧芯
Wish: Lead Osen to theworld.Make us accepted by all nations.
宗旨: 祝客户走向成功、让客户体验价值
Policy: Assist our customers on the way of success,experiencing values.
经营理念: 创造价值传递价值追求价值实现共赢
Concepts of our functohing: Create values; transmit values; pursue value; achieve mutual benefits
管理理念: 以人为本勤勉创新团结一致力求完美
Ldeas of our management: Human-based,diligent,united and perfect.
品质方针 科学管理严格要求高效运作打造精品
Policy of quality: Ourscientific management,high standardand efficient functioning make refined products.
服务理念: 解客户所题,达客户所求
Ldeas of our services: We concern your need; consider what youwill consider; solve your problemsand attain your requirements.
我们的口号: 打造精品让您放心
Our slogan: Make refined productsand set your mind assured.